Lots of reasons! That is assuming you’d like to get paid mentoring others.
For one, over 3-4 weeks that the Mentoring Certification process usually takes, you or you and your spouse will meet with Michael 1-on-1 via Zoom to review and discuss your Mentoring Ministry Plan. This plan mainly comprises the various worksheets and surveys you completed during your online course training.
Michael will review your plan before your first meeting to find gaps and weak spots, areas that he thinks need improvement or clarification before you meet again.
He’ll go through the same process before your second meeting, this time reviewing your corrected or updated plan before you both discuss them together.
This tailored approach has proven to save LYMM students both time and money in following many of the recommendations Michael has made once he’s had a chance to get to know you better individually and understand your goals and objectives as you get ready to launch your mentoring ministry.
Only after this further vetting of you and your Mentoring Ministry Plan are we willing and able to award you the designation of Certified Professional Mentor™ or CPM.
It’s our way of telling you and the world that we think you’ve got what it takes to be a great mentor.
In addition, we enjoy promoting our CPMs to the rest of the world and typically include our newer graduates as speakers alongside well-known subject matter experts in our highly successful virtual summits.
But we think the biggest reason why you should make the additional investment in going through our Mentor Certification process is to help you accelerate on your pathway to growth and profitability in less time than it might otherwise take if you hadn’t spent the extra time working with an experienced mentor like Michael.
That is, after all, the essence of the value any mentor brings to the table. In this case, the value proposition is no different.